Current Features

Popup Images

These are a easy way to view the videos, too see how it works click the link below the image



Ratings are below each video allowing users to vote on videos.


Information From Source

When users submit a link from, eg it automatically retires the Name, Author, Description and any usefull information.


Smarty Template System

This is a very powerfull template system allowing easy cutomization of the pages, with only a knowlage of html

eg {if $reject eq "1"}This Video Has Been Rejected{/if}



These allow your videos to be sorted.


Note Reflection only avalible with firefox

Video Search

Every Not been able to find a video now you can with easy search bar.


Full Language Support

Allow you easy to change language files without going through all the code looking for options


Video List

This lists all the videos that has been submitted then approved

It gives part of the description so not to take up to much room, it also gets a image of the video hosted by You Tube


Featured Videos

Videos that have been submitted can be selected from the admin control panel to be featured this is allmost the same as the video list apart from it only has the videos the admins has choosen.


Admin Approval

When users submit a video it needs to be approved by admins, This is done through a simple admin control panelEA

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